3 ways you can help stop Clean & Safe

On Wednesday, September 29, Portland City Council will vote on a renewal of its contract with Downtown Clean & Safe, an enhanced services district (ESD) operated by the Portland Business Alliance. 

Last year, the City Auditor released a report on Portland’s ESDs. She found that ESDs operate with no oversight from the City, increase the disproportionate criminalization of houseless communities, and offer the public no meaningful opportunity to provide feedback. The auditor recommended that the City reassess its existing ESD contracts and investigate whether ESDs should even exist in Portland. 

Earlier this month, Mayor Wheeler and Commissioner Mapps proposed a five-year Clean & Safe contract renewal that does not meaningfully address any of the City Auditor’s recommendations. In response, Commissioner Hardesty proposed an amendment that would only extend the existing Clean & Safe contract for one year so that the City can engage in a thorough, thoughtful, and public discussion on whether and how ESDs should operate in our community.

Like Commissioner Hardesty, the End Clean & Safe coalition believes that Portlanders should have a say in the ESD contract renewal. We deserve more than the status quo offered by Mayor Wheeler and Commissioner Mapps: a contract negotiated behind closed doors with Portland Business Alliance. We demand a public process that centers the voices of our most marginalized community members.

Support Commissioner Hardesty’s amendment on Clean & Safe

Help us demand more transparency and accountability on ESDs in Portland by taking these three actions this week.

  1. Call Commissioner Ryan

Commissioner Ryan will likely be the swing vote on Commissioner Hardesty’s proposed amendment. Tell him loud and clear that Portland supports the amendment. Here’s a sample script you can use to call his office at 503.823.3589.

2. Email City Council

If you haven’t already, use our email tool to tell City Council you support Commissioner Hardesty’s amendment.

3. Ask your county and state representatives to support Commissioner Hardesty

The impacts of ESDs extend beyond ESD borders: Increased policing and jailing leads to higher costs at county jails, and our city’s response to issues of housing, transit, and mental health affects the rest of the region. 

Contact your County Commissioner or your state representatives and ask them to speak publicly in support of Commissioner Hardesty.

We only have a few days left to influence City Council’s decision on Clean & Safe, so be sure to make your calls and send emails before the Wednesday morning City Council meeting! With your help, we can ensure Portland is on track to be a safe, prosperous, and revitalized city.




Regarding the proposed contract: